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Table 5 Potential facilitators and barriers for blended model implementation

From: Integrating substance use peer support and screening brief intervention and referral to treatment services in the emergency department: a descriptive study of the ED leads program

Potential facilitators

Potential barriers

Institutional “buy in” to integrate PCs and licensed clinicians via financial support and stakeholder engagement

Need for specialized onsite supervision and oversight of staff to enhance model implementation

Clarity in program mission

Unclear workflows, roles and responsibilities among team members

Positive integration in EDa due to the model filling the gap in ED substance specific interventions (i.e., dedicated staff to relieve ED staff strain)

Hiring and retaining PCs

Staff’s willingness to integrate and work collaboratively as a team

Navigating logistics of PCsb and clinicians consistently engaging all patients due to ED time and workflow demands


Variability and limited training for PCs in this specific ED role

  1. aEmergency department
  2. bPeer counselors