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Table 3 Summary of findings: evidence gap map

From: Impact of harm minimization interventions on reducing blood-borne infection transmission and some injecting behaviors among people who inject drugs: an overview and evidence gap mapping

  1. The size of the circles is proportional to the number of systematic reviews (larger = 3 or more; medium = 2; small = 1). Green circle: high methodological quality systematic review; yellow circle: moderate methodological quality systematic review; red circle: critically low or low methodological quality systematic review
  2. HCV: hepatitis C; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; NSEP: needle and syringe exchange program; OAT: opioid agonist maintenance treatment; SCF: supervised drug consumption facilities; SIF: supervised injection facility; THN: take-home naloxone program
  3. *Outcomes:
  4. HIV incidence/transmission: refers to rates or reported data on infection incidence and transmission
  5. HIV prevalence: refers to disease prevalence in the population
  6. HCV incidence / transmission: refers to rates or reported data on infection incidence and transmission
  7. HCV prevalence: refers to disease prevalence in the population
  8. Overall risky behavior: refers to any kind of harmful behavior, including sexual risk behavior and related outcomes, injecting behavior or drug use
  9. Illicit opioid use: refers to the injection of opioid
  10. Injecting behavior: refers to all of those related to injection practices as reusing or sharing syringes/needles, injecting outdoors [public drug use], rushing injections
  11. Injection drug use: refers specifically to the use of drugs through injections (i.e., practice, behavior of injecting drugs)
  12. Sharing needles/syringes: refers specifically to the practice of sharing paraphernalia
  13. Drug treatment entry: rates of individuals initiating treatment
  14. Overdose: rates of overdose related to injecting drug behavior
  15. Deaths: rates of death related to injecting drug behavior