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Table 2 Typology of Transition Strategies Identified in the Literature

From: Strategies to support substance use disorder care transitions from acute-care to community-based settings: a scoping review and typology



Example from literature

Pre-discharge transition strategies

 Discuss treatment options

Patient interest or readiness for treatment and potential care options are discussed prior to discharge

Peer recovery coaches provided brief interventions to determine treatment motivation among patients in the ED [34]

 Schedule appointment

Patient has an appointment scheduled with a specific treatment provider prior to discharge (includes transitions described as a “warm handoff”)

Patients in the ED were scheduled a follow-up appointment for community-based treatment within 24–72 h [39]

 Provider list

Patient is provided with a contact list of treatment providers prior to discharge

Research staff offered hospital patients a list of local OUD treatment centers to which they could self-refer [71]

 Electronic referral

Patient referral sent electronically to community treatment provider prior to discharge (e.g. via EHR, fax)

ED physicians placed electronic referral orders to an affiliated treatment clinic [72]

 Unspecified linkage to treatment

Patient linked or referred to community treatment provider prior to discharge, but no specific details are provided as to how linkage is made

Addiction consult servive social workers linked hospital patients to outpatient counseling, intensive outpatient programs, opioid treatment programs, and outpatient-based opioid treatment programs [53].

Post-discharge transition strategies

 Bridge prescription

Patient provided with a “bridge” medication supply (e.g. of buprenorphine) or outpatient prescription following discharge

ED patients were discharged with instructions for MOUD initiation and a buprenorphine prescription to bridge care until their community intake appointment [29].

 Transportation assistance

Patient provided with transportation assistance following discharge to facilitate access to community treatment

Following hospital discharge, patients received transportation vouchers to assist them in attending outpatient appointments [43].

 Follow up calls/texts

Patient receives post-discharge check-in calls or texts to remind, schedule, or encourage engagement in community treatment

Following hospital discharge, patient engagement specialists called patients within 48 h after their scheduled community treatment appointment to confirm they attended [25].

 Peer support

Patient is linked with individual or group peer-based resources to encourage engagement in community treatment

Following hospitalization, recovery coaches engage in motivational interviewing, provide coping strategies, and offer emotional, social, and familial support to patients. [26].

 Care navigation

Patient is linked with a care navigator that delivers case management and care coordination following dishcarge to facilitate access to community treatment as well as other health and social services

Upon discharge from hospital, patient navigators met with patients to deliver services such as barrier resolution, motivational interventions, advocacy with providers, and linkage to resources for basic needs [21].

  1. ED  emergency department, OUD  opioid use disorder, EHR  electronic health record, MOUD medications for opioid use disorder