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Table 4 Stepwise logistic regressions identifying factors associated with utilization of substance use disorder treatment, separately for those with and without incarceration histories

From: Utilization of addiction treatment among U.S. adults with history of incarceration and substance use disorders


Odds ratio (95% CI)

Adults with incarceration history


1.01 (1.00, 1.02)

 Years of education

1.06 (1.01, 1.12)


1.35 (1.09, 1.66)

 Marital status

.70 (.57, .86)

 Days incarcerated

1.00 (1.00, 1.00)

 Any lifetime homelessness

1.40 (1.07, 1.83)

 Tobacco use disorder

1.71 (1.37, 2.12)

 Alcohol use disorder

1.72 (1.16, 2.53)

 Heroin use disorder

5.61 (2.85, 11.03)

 Other opioid use disorder

2.08 (1.45, 2.99)

 Cocaine use disorder

1.78 (1.30, 2.45)

 Other stimulant use disorder

2.55 (1.75, 3.73)

 Hallucinogen use disorder

.37 (.20, .71)

Adults with no incarceration history


1.03 (1.02, 1.03)


1.20 (1.01, 1.43)

 Marital status

.74 (.64, .87)


1.99 (1.64, 2.43)

 Government insurance

1.64 (1.05, 2.58)

 Any lifetime homelessness

1.85 (1.37, 2.48)

 Tobacco use disorder

1.99 (1.66, 2.40)

 Alcohol use disorder

1.79 (1.34, 2.39)

 Cannabis use disorder

1.39 (1.11, 1.74)

 Heroin use disorder

7.35 (2.06, 26.17)

 Other opioid use disorder

2.66 (1.90, 3.72)

 Cocaine use disorder

3.37 (2.44, 4.65)

 Other stimulant use disorder

1.57 (1.06, 2.34)

  1. All variables were statistically significant at the p < .05 level
  2. Italic values indicate OR < .5 or OR > 1.5