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Table 3 Components of 3-part brief intervention for hospitalized hazardous drinkers

From: Alcohol brief intervention for hospitalized veterans with hazardous drinking: protocol for a 3-arm randomized controlled efficacy trial

Part I: Core brief intervention (~15 minutes) [28,34,38,39]

Expression of concern about the patient’s level of alcohol consumption

Personalized feedback linking alcohol use and health

Linkage of alcohol to admitting diagnosis, if applicable

Advice to abstain/reduce alcohol consumption to below NIAAA limits

Assessment of motivation/readiness to change drinking behavior

Support for choosing an alcohol consumption goal

Strategies/encouragement for reaching alcohol consumption goal (change plan)

Potential referral to specialty care or additional support

Part II: In-hospital follow-up session (12–24 hours after core brief intervention, ~15 minutes)

Basic reinforcement of core brief intervention

Re-assessment and support of motivation and review of change plan (if applicable)

Discussion of challenges/barriers to change

Consideration of additional strategies for change plan

Support and encouragement for reaching goal

Part III: Telephone follow-up session (2 weeks post-initial brief intervention, ~15 minutes)

Same as part II