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Table 1 Definitions used in this report and US recommended drinking limits[39]

From: Inconsistencies between alcohol screening results based on AUDIT-C scores and reported drinking on the AUDIT-C questions: prevalence in two US national samples

Study definition of drinking above recommended limits:

≥5 drinks* in any single day** and/or exceeding gender-specific US recommendations for maximum average number of drinks* per week

Heavy episodic drinking:

Drinking above recommended daily drinking limits (≥5 drinks in any single day, in this report; gender-specific US recommended limits below)

Alcohol use disorder:

DSM-IV diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence

Unhealthy alcohol use:

Drinking above recommended drinking limits and/or alcohol use disorder diagnosis

Gender-specific US recommended drinking limits:

Maximum number of drinks * in any single day

Maximum average number of drinks * per week


4 drinks

14 drinks


3 drinks

7 drinks

Questions used to define drinking above US recommended limits


> Weekly limits

AUDIT-C Questions #1-2


Heavy episodic drinking

AUDIT-C Questions #2-3

  1. *Drinks refer to standard-sized drinks: 12 oz. beer, 5 oz. wine, or 1.5 oz. liquor.
  2. **The same definition of heavy episodic drinking was used in men and women because the AUDIT-C questions used in this study did not assess drinking 4 or more drinks on an occasion.